Friday, January 2, 2015

Building Residential Houses in SimCity Build it

Eva: Hello there, Mayor! I'm Eva, your City Advisor. I'm here to help get you started. First we need to connect your new city to the main highway.

-- The road icon will bounce. Click on it and build roads!

Construction guy: Now that your little city is on the map, we need housing for your city's growing Population.

Construction  guy: Sims build houses in the Residential Zones you create. Place a Residential Zone next to a road to provide your Sims a cozy place to call home!

-- Tap, hold and drag "Residential hose to the designated area.

Construction guy: This Zone is ready for construction. Tap on the yellow hard hat to see what materials your Sims will need to start building.

-- It's easy! Just drag the building materials on the Zone.

Construction guy: Building homes earn you simoleons in SimCity Build it and brings you closer to your next level up...

Eva: Excellent work, Mayor! You just built your first neighborhood.

Building new houses will increase your Population, an important measure of your city's growth.

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